Thursday, July 10, 2014

Little Things I Thank GOD for

Little Sprinkles I Thank God For

It’s amazing the extra protection you get from wearing a hat and the right kind of sunscreen. When you learn that sun exposure is harming your child, you begin to think about every time the UVA and UVB rays reach your child’s skin.  You think about the times you are good at applying sunscreen and all the times you neglected it. The more I think about it, I have to thank GOD for a few things that protected my child. 
1. The daycare my son attends has requested sunscreen as a supply for a few years and applies it before outdoor playtime. 
2. My husband has always taken my vehicles to be tinted with UVA and UVB protective tint.  
3. Three days before I learned my son might have JDM, I was told he had psoriasis.  I learned that it’s a good idea to get extra sun if you have psoriasis.  I took my son to the local water park that weekend, thinking it would be good for him. That morning, a voice inside me (I believe it was GOD) continued to tell me to put his long sleeve water shirt on. I found his old water shirt from last season and put it on him. We used a lot of sunscreen that day.

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